
Pollen Filters

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Pollen Filters

About Pollen Filters

The pollen filter actually filters out more than just pollen - it stops all kinds of debris, pollution and odours from entering the cabin and clogging up the heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems. We stock high-quality pollen filters for all types of car. Find the correct pollen filter for your vehicle below. You can have it installed at one of our trusted garages with our Fit It For Me service.

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Can I run my car without a pollen filter?

Driving without a pollen filter won't affect the vehicle, however, it does mean the air quality in the car will be reduced and potentially cause health issues.

Do all cars have pollen filters?

It's possible if you have an older car that you may not have a pollen filter. Most new cars will have one.

Where is the pollen filter located?

The pollen filter will most likely be found behind the glovebox, but depending on your car, it could be behind the centre console or under the bonnet.

Can you wash a pollen filter?

Most cars have paper filters that should be discarded and replaced. If your vehicle does have a re-usable pollen filter, it may still need replacing depending on the level of dirt build-up.
