A personal breathalyser helps you to know if you’re safe to drive after drinking the night before. Don’t take a risk – keep a breathalyser in your car and stay safe with the products below.
Drink-driving costs hundreds of lives per year, but often the culprits are people who think they’re safe to drive. By keeping a breathalyser in your car, you can quickly get accurate information on the amount of alcohol in your bloodstream. This helps you make an informed decision about whether you’re endangering others and risking your licence by getting behind the wheel. You may not realise that after a heavy night, you can still have alcohol in your system the next morning – it could even be enough to put you over the legal limit, potentially resulting in a drink driving conviction or worse. Rather than risking it, motorists now have the opportunity to assess their alcohol levels with a simple and effective breathalyser kit. Get a great deal on a breathalyser kit from Euro Car Parts. With over 130,000 products in stock, we offer a wide range of quality parts and accessories for cars and drivers alike.
Please Note:
You have selected 1 x brake disc quantity. Brake discs are recommended to be changed in pairs. If you want to change both brake discs on your vehicle, please change the qty to 2.