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Your vehicle's cold start valve is a vital piece of kit. Make sure yours is working as it should be, and pick up a replacement online today at Euro Car Parts.
Also known as a cold start injector, a cold start valve is essential for starting your car - particularly when the temperature drops. As you turn the key, your car's on-board computer will let the cold start valve know you need to get going and, whenever air density has increased, it will release additional fuel into the fuel-air mixture. Not only does this help your car start quickly, it will help your fuel to burn more efficiently too. If you have difficulty starting your car, or notice you're suddenly receiving poor mileage, it might be time to replace your cold start valve. We stock a wide range at Euro Car Parts, to suit almost any car make and model. To find the right part for you, simply consult your owner's manual or key in your registration number above and press search. You'll only find cold start valves from reputable manufacturers, and if you need any help when it comes to selecting the right product for you please don't hesitate to get in touch with the Euro Car Parts team - we'll be happy to help.