Jerry cans and petrol cans are sturdy metal or plastic fuel containers that can be used to store extra fuel for your car, mower, or other equipment. Euro Car Parts offers a wide variety of jerry cans to fit any budget and needs. Shop today and plan ahead so you're never caught without fuel!
In the UK, you can legally store up to 30 litres of fuel before having to notify the Petroleum Enforcement Authority. Petrol stations may have further limits, and many only allow customers to fill a maximum of two jerry cans with petrol or diesel.
Does the colour of a jerry can matter?
The colour of a jerry can differentiates the different fuels, however there is no legal obligation to store them in a certain colour. If you're storing multiple types of fuel, green is traditionally used for petrol, and black for diesel.
Should I have a jerry can in my car?
Fuel should not be stored in a vehicle unless absolutely necessary to do so. If you do need to transport fuel, make sure it is securely and safely stored in a jerry can. If you are considering keeping an empty jerry can in your car in case of emergencies, make sure it is clean and stored securely.
How long will petrol last in a jerry can?
Fuel stored in a jerry can typically lasts up to a year when stored correctly and in a cool location. The quality of the petrol will start to lose quality once the seal is broken; around six months at 20°C, and three months at 30°C.
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