If you’re planning on preparing or polishing a surface on your car, make sure that you’ve got backing pads for your polishing apparatus that are up to the job. Take a look through the Euro Car Parts range now.
Our range of backing pads are perfect for anyone wanting to ensure that their cars look their absolute best when polished. They slide easily onto your polisher, and can be used on a sander if you're looking to remove rust or old paint, enabling you to shine away with confidence in order to achieve that sparkling, showroom look. The backing pads in the listings above have been engineered to work with a wide range of polisher models, so whatever the thread your model of polisher uses, you’ll be able to get exactly what you need with us. Scroll up and have a browse through the wide selection of backing pads on offer, and once you’ve made your selection, choose either click and collect from any one of the hundreds of Euro Car Parts locations in Britain and Northern Ireland, or get your basket delivered quickly and for free to your door, wherever you are in the UK.
Please Note:
You have selected 1 x brake disc quantity. Brake discs are recommended to be changed in pairs. If you want to change both brake discs on your vehicle, please change the qty to 2.